Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Van Meter Farmers Market

  Last summer right before school began our She's the First group reached our first goal. That goal was to raise $1,000 dollars to sponsor a girls education. The Van Meter Farmer's Market played a big part in raising that money. It was very exciting for us. The farmers market did take a lot of work but it was a worthwhile investment of our time. Sometime during the week, every week, we would all get together and make baked goods. It was a bonding experience for us and brought us all together more. Due to the success from the farmers market that we got last year while we were discussing Summer Fundraising we decided to do the Van Meter Farmers Market again. We look forward to this summer and this summer's fundraising and hope to raise another $1,000 to sponsor Neema Amos for her last two years of school.