Thursday, September 8, 2011

Success With Van Meter She's the First Chapter!

Knowing that you reached your goal, and that you will be changing someone's life, is something that can not be put into words. I think for us, being able to share our stories about She's The First throughout our lives with give us this joy that not everyone can experience in their lives.
Throughout the time that we were raising money, I don't think any of us really realized that this day would come so fast. Hopefully, our girl didn't realize it either. We can only imagine the excitement that our girl is experiencing, and hope that she never forgets it.
Even though we have reached our goal, we don't plan on stopping changing lives of those who will get the chance to become something that they have always wanted to be. Our dream is to talk to the girl in the Tanzinia Kisa Projedct that we are sponsoring, and see her smile as she talks about how school is going, what her favorite class is, what she is learning, what she wants to be when she grows up, and so much more.
We learned throughout all of this that anything is possible if you just focus on the road ahead of you.
Our plan is to continue our chapter of She's The First, and keep challenging ourselves to make a difference.

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